About me

Hi! My name is Luna Henry, and I'm currently going into my 3rd year of college as a Game Design student at the Technological University of Dublin (TUD).

For as long as I can remember, I've always had a passion for creativity; I've been an avid reader my whole life, and I enjoy writing and drawing in my spare time. I've also had a fascination with computers and technology ever since I was a kid, so its no surprise that I grew up playing video games too, and developed a passion for them that only grew as time passed.

Games appeal to me because they're engaging, fun, and diverse; they combine writing, art, and music into one medium, to offer experiences that can't be obtained the same from anything else. One of the things I love most is bringing creative ideas to fruition and making them a real thing that can be experienced, and that's why games, and game making, are one of my strongest passions.

As well as technology, I am also interested in marine biology and outer space, and I've spent what is, to be perfectly honest, an abnormal amount of time playing Tetris. My high score is 608,190.

You can visit my itch.io page here.

Looking to contact me?

You can reach me via wassuppeas348@gmail.com, or through my Linkedin.