h Racing

h Racing is a top-down racing game in which the player competes against opposing drivers in an effort to best the competition and come out on top.

Roles and responsibilities: Team lead, programming, art, sound design

My contributions:

  • Directed and oversaw production, including assigning roles to team members; frequently checking in on individual progress; writing devlogs to keep track of progress and remaining tasks; and keeping the team on-track according to the project plan and schedule.
  • Programmed the player car controls, and balanced the player and enemy racers according to playtest results.
  • Designed all cars and racetracks.
  • Implemented race functionality, including beginning and ending a race; counting laps; the race timer; the in-race leaderboard; and interactions with enemy racers. Also programmed track functionality, including barriers; offroad areas that slow the racers down; and ramps that cause the racers to jump varying distances according to their speed.
  • Edited and implemented all sound effects and music.

Link to the itch page here.